Dr Jennie Kaufman Singer graduated from California School of Psychology – San Diego (now part of Alliant International University) with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1995. She has had years of clinical experience working with police officers, and in federal and state prisons with both female and male high and low security offenders. She also has experience working as a clinical and administrative supervisor in the Paroles Division of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). Additionally, she has had experience doing many forensic and psychoeducational assessment evaluations, used for securing resources and accommodations, or to give recommendations to the Yolo County district attorney’s office, the public defender’s office, or to CDCR.
Dr. Singer began teaching at Sacramento State University as an adjunct faculty in 2005 and has been a full-time faculty since 2007. She is currently a full professor and has published books and articles on mentally ill offenders, sex offenders, international prisons and policing, creativity in confinement, intellectual and achievement assessment, and rehabilitation program evaluation. Dr. Singer has helped to develop curriculum for the Criminal Justice Division and has mentored many students in the Criminal Justice Graduate program, helping them to finish their theses and to present data to regional and national organizations. Dr. Singer has consistently received funding (CDCR/the California Sex Offender Management Board, the Provost’s Research Fellowship award, the RCA faculty award, and paid contracts with Yolo County Probation).
Currently, she has an article being reviewed after revision for the peer-reviewed journal, Victim and Offender on the evaluation of the Ascend program, a unique rehabilitation program administered through Sacramento County Probation. The paper focuses on the results of a longitudinal program evaluation and posits that the Ascend program is a promising new program. The preliminary results of this evaluation have been presented at two national criminal justice conferences, students have presented posters at both regional and national conferences, and a white paper detailing the preliminary results of the evaluation has been written and presented to Sacramento County probation. She has had other white papers and peer reviewed articles on rehabilitation program evaluations and is also working with a professor in Iran on Covid-related mental health issues for the Iranian general population. She is returning to clinical work, with a focus on university students, faculty and staff as well as working on a variety of clinical and forensic assessments.
Relevant Publications: Non-Peer Reviewed
California Sex Offender Management Board, An assessment of current management practices in adult sex offenders in California, Initial Report, January 2008. Was PI for this report.
California Sex Offender Management Board, Homelessness among registered sex offenders in California: The numbers, the risk, and the response, December, 2008.
California Sex Offender Management Board, The Dashboard Paper: Indicators of sex offender management, December, 2008.
California Sex Offender Management Board, Progress Report, January, 2009.
Kaufman, J.C., Kaufman A.S., Singer J.K., & Kaufman N.L. (2005). The KABC-II and KAIT. In D.P. Flanagan & P.L. Harrison (Eds.), Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, Second Edition: Theories, tests, and issues. New York: Guilford Press.
Kaufman, A.S., Kaufman, J.C, Lincoln, A. &. Kaufman, J.L. (1999). Intellectual and cognitive assessment. In M. Hersen & R. T. Ammerman (Eds.), Advanced abnormal child psychology (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Singer, J. K. (2010). Creativity in confinement. In D.H. Cropley, A.J. Cropley, J.C. Kaufman and M. A. Runco (Eds.), The Dark Side of Creativity, Cambridge University Press, pp.177-203.
Singer, J. K. , Das, D. K., Ahlin, E. (Eds) (2012). Trends in corrections: Interviews with corrections leaders around the world, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, International Police Executive Symposium Co-Publication.
Singer, J.K., Farmer, Y., and Getty, R. (2015). The preliminary results of the evaluation of the Ascend Program. A white paper presented to Sacramento Probation and the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department.
Singer, J. K., Kaufman, A. S., Engi Raiford, S., & Coalson, D.L. (2016). The Creation of New Risk Scales for School Failure and Juvenile Delinquency: The Child and Adolescent Academic and Behavior Questionnaires. In Intelligent Testing with the WISC-V. Eds. Kaufman, A.S., Engi Raiford, S., & Coalson, D.L., John Wiley and Sons.
Singer, J. K., Lichtenberger, E. O., Kaufman, J. C., Kaufman, A. S., & Kaufman, N.L. (2012). The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children—Second Edition (KABC-II) and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement—Second Edition (KTEA-II). In D.P. Flanagan & P. L. Harrison (Eds.), Contemporary intellectual assessment: Theories, tests, and issues (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford.
Peer reviewed Publications:
Getty, R., Singer, J.K., Ramm, E., Farmer, Y., and Royal, J. The longitudinal evaluation of the Ascend Rehabilitation program. Submitted a revise and resubmit for Victim and Offender: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy and Practice (2020).
Maguire, M & Singer, J. K. (2011) A False Sense of Security: Moral Panic Driven Sex Offender Legislation. Critical Criminology,(19) 4.
Singer, J. K., Maguire, M., Hurtz, G. M. (2013). The prevalence of mental illness in California sex offenders on parole: A comparison of those who recidivated with a new sex crime versus those who did not. Victim and Offender: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy and Practice,8(3), 253-277.
Singer, J. K., Maguire, M. (February, 2012). “The prevalence of mental illness in California sex offenders on parole: A comparison of those who recidivated with a new sex crime versus those who did not” presented at the Western Society of Criminology.
Singer, J.K., Farmer, Y., and Getty, R. (March, 2015). “Evaluation of a new cognitive behavioral program” presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
Farmer, Y. and Singer, J.K. (March 2015). “Using Qualitative Data to Enhance the Evaluation of a New Cognitive Behavioral Program” presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
Chaired a panel presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, 2015: “A longitudinal evaluation of Ascend, a new cognitive behavioral program”
Singer, J.K., Farmer, Y., and Getty, R. (November 2015). “Evaluation of a new cognitive behavioral program” presented at the American Society of Criminology.
Farmer, Y., Singer, J.K., Royal, J., and Getty, R. (November 2015). “Using the Words of Offenders as Data to Enhance the Evaluation of a New Cognitive Behavioral Program” presented at the American Society of Criminology.