Dr Alan Kaufman is Clinical Professor of Psychology at Yale University Child Study Center (since 1997). He is a Penn graduate who earned his PhD under Robert Thorndike at Columbia University. Alan worked closely with David Wechsler in the development of the WISC-R, and has published, with Nadeen Kaufman, numerous tests, including the KABC-II Normative Update, KTEA-3, and KBIT-2. The 1983 theory-based K-ABC, inspired by Paul Torrance’s introduction of cerebral specialization theory to Alan and Nadeen, has been translated and adapted throughout the world. Alan has published widely on the clinical and neuropsychological assessment of intelligence and has greatly impacted interpretation of IQ tests, especially Wechsler’s. His books include the 1979 landmark Intelligent Testing with the WISC-R and, more recently, Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment—2 nd ed. (with Elizabeth Lichtenberger; 2013) and Intelligent Testing with the WISC-V (with Susie Raiford & Diane Coalson; 2016). Alan and Nadeen co-edit the influential Wiley book series Essentials of Psychological Assessment. Alan, a Fellow of four divisions of APA and of APS, is recipient of APA Division 16’s Senior Scientist Award (1997) and Division 5’s Samuel J. Messick Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award (2012). Since 2012, first Fordham University, and now Gonzaga University, presents the Alan S. Kaufman Intelligent Testing Award at its annual Spring Assessment Conference. Alan’s greatest achievement is being James Kaufman’s father. Together they coauthored the 1995 book The Worst Baseball Pitchers of All Time.